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Akçapar, Ş. (2020). Re-Thinking Social Networks and Social Capital in International Migration. International Migration, 48 (2): 161-196.

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Akçapar, Ş. (2018). Photo Essay: South Asian refugees in India. Society and Culture in South Asia, 4 (1): 123-131.

Akçapar, Ş.& Simsek, D. (2018). The Politics of Asylum Flows and Syrian Refugees in Turkey: A Question of Inclusion and Exclusion. Social Inclusion, Special Issue: The Constitutive Powers of Migration: Refugees and the Transformation of Migration Societies, Ulrike Hamann and Gökçe Yurdakul (Ed.).

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Unutulmaz, K. O. (2020). (Forthcoming) “How are the Prospects for Refugees to Become Active Members of Society? - The Vision and Practices in Turkish Adult Education” (Erdoğan, A., Aydoğan, S.G. ve Erdoğan, M. M. ile birlikte), “Young Adults and Active Citizenship: Towards Social Inclusion through Adult Education” içinde Kersh, N., Toiviainen, H., Pitkänen, P. ve Zarifis, G. (Ed.). Springer.

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Unutulmaz, K. O. (2019). “Turkey’s Education Policies towards Syrian Refugees: A Macro-level Analysis”, International Migration (SSCI Endeksli) Vol. 57 (2) DOI:10.1111/imig.12476

Unutulmaz, K. O. (2018).      “Studying identities, integration and diasporas through sport: An Alternative Approach”,Turkish Journal of TESAM ACADEMY, 5 (1), 177-202, DOI: 10.30626/tesamakademi.393018

Unutulmaz, K. O. (2017) “Turkey’s Syrians: Today and Tomorrow”, Eroğlu, D.; Sirkeci, İ. ile (Ed.). Transnational Press London. ISBN: 978-1-910781-74-6

Unutulmaz, K. O. (2017). “Integration of Syrians: Politics of Integration in Turkey in the Face of a Closing Window of Opportunity Turkey’s Syrians: Today and Tomorrow  içinde, Unutulmaz, K. O.; Eroğlu, D.; Sirkeci, İ. (Ed.). Transnational Press London.

Unutulmaz, K. O. (2017). “Ethnic Community Football Integration Policy: Case Of Turkish Football Leagues In London” Rata, G.; Icbay, M.A.; and Arslan, H. (Ed.)  “Recent Developments in Sociology and Social Workiçinde, Bialystock:E-Bwn ISBN: 978-83-943963-5-0

Unutulmaz, K. O. (2017). “Batı Dünyasında Farklılıkların Yönetimi ve Azınlıkların Entegrasyonu Çoban, F. (ed.) “21. Yüzyılda Din ve Uluslararası İlişkilerdeki Dönüşüm” içinde, Sentez Yayıncılık, Ankara. ISBN: 978-605-9922-58-6

Unutulmaz, K. O. (2016). “Little Turkey in Great Britain” Sirkeci, İ.; Bilecen, T.; Çoştu, Y.; Dedeoğlu, S.; Kesici, M. R.; Şeker, D.; Tilbe, F. ile (Ed.) Transnational Press, London. ISBN: 978-1-910781-19-7

Unutulmaz, K. O. (2014). “Integration of Immigrants through Football: the Case of Turkish-Speaking Communities in London” Icduygu, A. and Goker, Z.G. (ed.) “Rethinking Migration and Incorporation in the Context of Transnationalism and Neoliberalism” içinde, The ISIS Yayıncılık, Istanbul. ISBN: 978-975-428-526-0

Unutulmaz, K. O. (2014). “EU Enlargement and Turkish Labour Migration” Gönül Oğuz, Journal of Immigration, Asylum, and Nationality Law, Vol.28, No.1, p. 63          

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Akcapar, S. K., & Çalışan, A. (2022). Conducting Research with Migrants During the Pandemic: The ‘New Normal’ in the Qualitative Method. Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 25(1), 8-22. 



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